Different types of Arduino Boards Used in Daily Usage

Arduino products include development boards, Modules, Shields, and Kits. There is mainly four-category on Arduino Development Boards. The categories are Entry Level, Enhanced Features, Internet of Things and Wearables. Generally used Arduino development boards and Different types of Arduino Boards are as below.

Entry Level Boards:

Uno, Leonardo, 101, Esplora, Micro, Nano, Mini, MKR2UNO

Enhanced Features Boards:

Mega 2560, Zero, Due, MKR ZERO, Mega ADK, Motor Shield, USB Host Shield, Relay Shield, Arduino ISP, Mini USB Adapter

Internet of Things Boards:

Yun, Ethernet, MKR1000, Yun Mini, Yun Shield, Wireless SD Shield, Ethernet Shield, GSM Shield

Wearable Boards:

Gemma, LilyPad Simple, LilyPad Main, LilyPad USB, LilyPad SimpleSnap

Comparison of Arduino Boards

Below given table shows Comparison or Different types of Arduino Boards

Name Processor Operating/Input
CPU Speed Analog In/Out Digital IO/PWM
Uno ATmega328P 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz 6/0 14/6
101 Intel® Curie 3.3 V/ 7-12V 32MHz 6/0 14/4
Gemma ATtiny85 3.3 V / 4-16 V 8 MHz 1/0 3/2
LilyPad ATmega168V
2.7-5.5 V /
2.7-5.5 V
8MHz 6/0 14/6
LilyPad SimpleSnap ATmega328P 2.7-5.5 V /
2.7-5.5 V
8 MHz 4/0 9/4
LilyPad USB ATmega32U4 3.3 V / 3.8-5 V 8 MHz 4/0 9/4
Mega 2560 ATmega2560 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz 16/0 54/15
Micro ATmega32U4 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz 12/0 20/7
MKR1000 SAMD21 Cortex-M0+ 3.3 V/ 5V 48MHz 7/1 8/4
Pro ATmega168
3.3 V / 3.35-12 V
5 V / 5-12 V
8 MHz
16 MHz
6/0 14/6
Pro Mini ATmega328P 3.3 V / 3.35-12 V
5 V / 5-12 V
8 MHz
16 MHz
6/0 14/6
Zero ATSAMD21G18 3.3 V / 7-12 V 48 MHz 6/1 14/10
Due ATSAM3X8E 3.3 V / 7-12 V 84 MHz 12/2 54/12
Esplora ATmega32U4 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz
Ethernet ATmega328P 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz 6/0 14/4
Leonardo ATmega32U4 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz 12/0 20/7
Mega ADK ATmega2560 5 V / 7-12 V 16 MHz 16/0 54/15
Mini ATmega328P 5 V / 7-9 V 16 MHz 8/0 14/6
Nano ATmega168
5 V / 7-9 V 16 MHz 8/0 14/6
Yùn ATmega32U4
AR9331 Linux
5 V 16 MHz
12/0 20/7
Arduino Robot ATmega32u4 5 V 16 MHz 6/0 20/6
32bit low power
3.3 V 48 MHz 7 (ADC 8/10/12 bit)/1
(DAC 10 bit)

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