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What is Arduino Board? | Introduction and brief description

What is Arduino

What is the Arduino Board? – It is an open-source platform used for making or building hardware projects. Arduino consists of both physical and software. The software is used to upload the program to the Arduino Board. Arduino Board can read and write inputs and outputs. It has both, digital and analog both pins are available for I/O. Using Arduino IDE, you can program the Arduino board. Arduino Program is based on their language called Arduino Language. It is just like C and C++ programming. Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to complex scientific instruments. Arduino Boards are widely used development board for IoT.

Why Arduino Boards?

Arduino is easy to use for beginners and also flexible for advanced users. Arduino is used in IoT applications, wearable, 3D printing, embedded environments and many more. It is low cost and easy to get started with programming. It is the most favorite board among Teachers and Students.

Mostly used Arduino Boards

There are many Arduino boards are available in the market. In Arduino boards, Arduino UNO is a widely used board.

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